Free Medical Checkups for the Elderly

Prevention is better than cure. HKAH-TW has always been concerned about the elderlies' health, and organizes free health check-up events occasionally. In April 2023, along with local District Councilors and Tsuen Wan Church, we provided free medical check-up services to 220 Lei Muk Shue District residents, e.g., testing for blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol. Further, we distributed 440 healthy hot cross buns made by our canteen, representing our mission, to the participants. 


Some elderlies were happy and relieved to learn they did not have "three highs." Nurses reminded those with high cholesterol to pay attention to their diet. Volunteers also accompanied our elderly friends to chat and invited them to participate in other health activities. 


Consider donating or referring applicants today! 
